Because Saint Joseph’s University in Philadelphia is
a popular school around here, I thought it would be helpful to alert everyone
that they are now a test-optional school, starting for students applying for
fall 2014 admission. This means you are not required to send in SAT/ACT scores
as part of the admissions process. This is helpful for students who do well in
the classroom, but struggle on standardized testing. If you go this route,
college admissions counselors will only consider your GPA, strength of
schedule, extracurriculars, and the rest of your general application and essay.
However, if you have solid scores, then you should go ahead and submit the
scores. It is a great idea to consult with your high school counselor before
deciding on going test-optional or not. Also, please visit The Test-OptionalWebsite, for all of the current colleges and universities that do not require
testing scores for admissions.
Joseph D. Korfmacher, MA